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Football and Cheer Responsibilities


FOOTBALL PLAYERS:  Each football participant will be loaned the following equipment:  A helmet with face mask and chin strap, shoulder pads, knee pads, practice pants and pant belt. A personalized game jersey and custom fit integrated pants will be given to each football participant and therefore does not have to be returned by the individual at the completion of the Football Season. Players should provide their own cleats, which should be all-purpose football cleats with molded sole rubber cleats.  Metal cleats or removable cleats are not permitted.  Players should also provide their own mouth guard, athletic cup, red practice jersey and black game socks.  Each player is expected to maintain and clean their equipment on a regular basis and return all loaned equipment at the end of the season.  Players should notify their coach immediately if any equipment is damaged or lost during the season, so it may be replaced.  Replacement costs will be assessed to each player for lost equipment.  The cost of the equipment will be provided to the parent or guardian for review in the event that loaned equipment is lost or damaged outside the normal scope of football.

CHEERLEADERS:  Each participant will be loaned the following uniform items: cheerleading shell, cheerleading skirt and pom-poms. These items will need to be returned at the end of the season. The registration fee includes: crop top, cheer briefs, hair-bow, socks & cheer shoes that the registrant can keep. Each cheerleader is expected to maintain and clean their uniform items on a regular basis and return all loaned items at the end of the season.  Cheerleaders should notify their coach immediately if any uniform item is damaged or lost during the season, so it may be replaced.  Replacement costs will be assessed to each cheerleader for lost items.  The cost of the uniform items will be provided to the parent or guardian for review in the event that loaned items are lost or damaged.  

Level of Play: 

FOOTBALL PLAYERS:  Each player will compete with other players of comparable age and weight, by being assigned to a team level through an age/weight requirement as per the by-laws of the South Jersey Independent Football Association.  It is the position of the Hurricanes Youth Football Club that it is generally best for each player to play at the lowest level, without any significant weight loss, particularly which occurs in a short term.  The decision to attain a certain playing weight and the responsibility of maintaining that weight belong to the player and parent/guardian.  Generally, all players should be below their maximum weight for the level for which they desire to play.  This would be by the first day of practice.  Player’s weight will be checked prior to starting their first practice, and once again at the league required weigh in.

CHEERLEADERS:  Each participant will be grouped by age.  


Hurricanes Youth Football Club Inc., P.O. Box 172
Lumberton, New Jersey 08048

Email: [email protected]

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